Sunday, November 17, 2019

OIC Process: Auto-Mapping Elements in the Data Mapper

Hereafter I describe a 'hidden feature' regarding data mapping in Oracle Integration Cloud - Process.

When mapping data in the Oracle Integration Cloud (or OIC for short) you sometimes discover that elements you want to map from are not always available as a source on the left-hand side. As I recently found out (thank you Eduardo Chiocconi!) that does not necessarily mean that they are not available for mapping.

An example might be including some elements of the request in the title of the process instance. Until now I always did this by including a Data Mapper right after the Start Event. However, the same I could have achieved in the Start Activity itself.

The following figure shows how I map the value of the "title" predefined variable to itself, concatenated with some values from the request (customer name and id):

As you can see in the Processes tab of the Workspace both the title and the concatenated values are visible. Saves you Data Mapper activity :-)